Monday, April 9, 2012

I might just be crazy...

So why in the world would a mom to 6 children, who homeschools 4 of them, want to create a blog? I mean, really. Why? Do I have anything to share with people? Well...maybe. I suppose this new adventure is about me needing to share my stories, to document that I was here, to remember the good the bad and the crazy.
Honestly, over the past few months I've come to love reading others' blogs. They've shown me beauty and life from each of their viewpoints. I feel like I've come to know them as friends, even if we've never met.
So if you're the adventurous type, enjoy the crazy rabbit trails of life, and can put up with a bazillion pictures of my family and pets, then you're in the right place.


  1. I think you will love your blog. I started one several years ago and try to post at least 2-3 times a month. It is a good Sabbath activity! Can't wait to read all about your sweet family!

  2. Ah welcome my friend! :) Welome. I LOVE blogging...and love reading about others perspectives as well. :)I can't wait to read what you've got to say--and see all those beautiful kiddos and KITTIES. :)

  3. Thanks ladies! I really appreciate your encouragement!

  4. Love the title! :)
